The Beechwood Story

The Beechwood Organization, ranked at the forefront of privately-owned residential homebuilders nationwide, is one of the largest developers of single family and multifamily housing in New York State, and is Long Island’s largest homebuilder and developer of sophisticated lifestyle communities.

Country Pointe Woods | Smithtown
Country Pointe Meadows | Yaphank
Country Pointe Estates | Ridge

What is planned?

Beechwood has applied for a change of zone for the Raleigh Farm, KPE and Correia properties located on the north side of Old Northport Road and west of Linden Avenue in Kings Park to develop a luxury condominium community.

The community will be a 288-unit Planned Residential Development carefully designed and planned on 71+ acres.

The community will include a spacious clubhouse with amenities such as a fitness center, pool, game room, pickleball courts, ponds and expansive landscaping.

Beechwood is excited to expand its “Country Pointe” community in Kings Park with Country Pointe Estates and looks forward to working with the local community.

Kings Park - Entrance sign

Fact Vs. Fiction


This community will receive IDA assistance and a PILOT (“Payment in Lieu of Taxes”) agreement or other tax abatements.


This is false. Unlike rental apartment projects, condominiums are not eligible for IDA financing and we are not seeking any tax abatements or subsidies for this project.


This community will adversely affect traffic conditions on Old Northport Road.


This is false. This community will have entrances from Old Northport Road and Indian Head Road, which will distribute traffic in two different directions without overburdening either road, or local roads such as Old Indian Head Road and Linden Avenue. A comprehensive traffic study has been completed, and it demonstrates that there will be no significant degradation of existing levels of service on Old Northport Road or any surrounding streets. In addition, real time observations of existing Beechwood communities show no significant impacts on existing levels of service on surrounding streets.


This community will add traffic to Linden Avenue.


This is false. The site plan does not provide for any roadway or driveway connections to Linden Avenue, which will remain a dead-end street. The entrances and exits to the new community will be from Old Northport Road and Indian Head Road.


This community will be rental housing.


This is false. We are proposing a 100% for-sale homeowner condominium community.  There is no proposed rental housing.  All homes will be market rate housing, except for 29 affordable units required to be provided by NYS legislation known as the Long Island Workforce Housing Act.


This community will be senior (55+) housing.


This is false. We are proposing a non-age-restricted condominium community. The community will be available to residents of all ages and will provide opportunities for seniors, young couples and individuals and those in between to remain in Kings Park and Smithtown. However, experience has shown that these types of development mostly attract active adults and empty nesters.


This community will include a retail or commercial component.


This is false. The proposed community is comprised solely of “for-sale” residences. The application and proposed zoning do not call for or permit any retail or commercial uses.


This community will negatively impact the Kings Park Unique Area.


This is false. The proposed community will be fenced and set back from the boundary lines of the Kings Park Unique Area and no construction activities will occur on the park property. In addition, 12+ acres of naturally wooded areas will be preserved and mapped to provide a wildlife corridor connection to the adjacent preserved areas.


This community will create light pollution.


This is false. The proposed community will be “dark-sky compliant” in full compliance with Town of Smithtown Code and applicable building regulations. This means, among other things, outdoor light fixtures will be shielded, will point downward and will be no brighter than necessary.


1. Will Beechwood share and discuss its plans for Country Pointe Estates at Kings Park?

The Beechwood Organization has and will continue to meet and speak with stakeholders in the community, as well as residents and Town Planning officials, to obtain input and feedback. In fact, in response to the input and feedback it has received, Beechwood has made several significant adjustments to the plan. The current proposed site plan is now a community comprised of 288 “for sale” units, consisting of a mix of 53 detached single-family homes, 82 villas and 153 townhomes, and plan review will continue as the change of zone application progresses through the SEQR process.

2. What are the next steps and where can I learn more about Beechwood and Country Pointe Estates at Kings Park?

The current proposed site plan is undergoing a full environmental impact review by the Town.in accordance with SEQRA regulations, and, when it is accepted as complete by the Town, the DEIS will be released for public comment.  If you would like more information or have any questions concerning the plans for the proposed community, please send us an email at info@beechwoodhomes.com.  

3. If Country Pointe Estates at Kings Park is approved, can it be converted to a rental community?

Absolutely not. In the 35+ years Beechwood has been in business, it has never applied for or sought approval to convert a “for sale” condominium community to a rental community. When all of the condominium units are sold to individual homebuyers, Beechwood will not have any ownership interest or control of the new community.

4. Will the new community detract from the character of the neighborhood?

Absolutely not. We firmly believe that the success and future growth of Kings Park is directly attributable to the community’s character and charm as a suburban residential hamlet. The community will be designed to be complementary and harmonious with the adjacent and nearby residential areas, and will provide a much-needed new source of alternative housing for those who no longer wish to own and maintain a large single-family home and property.

5. Will there be an affordable component?

Yes. New York State legislation known as the Long Island Workforce Housing Act requires the Town to set aside 10% of the proposed new homes as affordable, to be sold at less than market rate prices based upon economic criteria set forth in the legislation.

6. Will there be a retail component?

No. The proposed community is comprised solely of “for-sale” residences. The application and proposed zoning do not call for or permit any retail or commercial uses.

7. Where will the access road to Country Pointe Estates at Kings Park be?

Access roadways for ingress and egress, and emergency vehicles, will be from Old Northport Road and Indian Head Road. There will be NO ingress or egress, or driveway connections, to Linden Avenue.

8. How will this community impact traffic?

A completed traffic impact study (“TIS”) by a regional planning firm has demonstrated that the traffic impacts in the greater community will be minimal. The TIS has been reviewed by the Town and is part of the DEIS that is undergoing SEQR review, and it will be made available for public review and comment when the Town completes its review of the DEIS. The future residents will be a predominant mix of active adults, empty nesters and young individuals and couples without children, resulting in a minimal impact on traffic conditions on Old Northport Road and Indian Head Road during peak and off-peak hours of operation. There will be virtually no traffic impacts on the residential area adjacent to the community since access to the new community will be limited to Old Northport Road and Indian Head Road.

9. Will this community have a negative impact on the local aquifers or water quality?

No. The primary cause of pollution in the ground water is nitrogen leaching from the septic tanks of single family homes, especially older ones. This Community will have its own state of the art sewage treatment plant that will significant reduce nitrogen discharge, so it will not adversely impact any local aquifers or groundwater quality. Also, the proposed plan would retain all stormwater runoff on-site, and use substantially less lawn fertilizer, pesticides and harmful chemicals and substances than traditional single family subdivisions.

10. Will a PILOT or other tax abatement be granted?

Absolutely not. “For sale” condominium projects are not eligible for IDA assistance or any other tax breaks.

11. How will our emergency service responders be able to service Country Pointe Estates at Kings Park?

Beechwood is committed to the health, safety and well-being of the residents in our communities and the neighborhoods we live and work in. We have met and accepted all of the input and feedback we have received from first responders, and designed both access roadways to accommodate emergency response vehicles to make sure that our community will be safe and accessible.

12. What will sales prices be?

The pricing of the units has not been finally determined as this will be a function of market conditions when the community opens. However, we expect that pricing will be commensurate with and comparable to the pricing of other condominium units and single-family homes in Kings Park. In our 35+ years of building communities on Long Island, it has been our experience that most of our customers are from the surrounding area, and we’ve built our reputation on enhancing and complementing the communities in which we build.

13. Will there be a clubhouse and what amenities will be included?

Yes. Similar to many of our existing communities, the proposed Country Pointe Estates at Kings Park will include a clubhouse with many indoor amenities such as a fitness center, game rooms, kitchen and lounge for residents only. Recreational Amenities will include a swimming pool, pickleball courts, bocce courts, tennis courts.

14. How will Beechwood handle sales and marketing for the community?

The Beechwood Organization is a full-service homebuilder and real estate development company with in-house sales and marketing departments. On-site sales personnel are typically Beechwood employees. Once all requisite approvals and authorizations are obtained, we will offer a VIP priority waiting list for the local community.

15. Is Town or County land or any public land being utilized for this community?

No. The property is privately owned and no portion of the community will be comprised of land owned by the Town, County or any other public entity.

16. Will the development of this community create negative effects on the environment?

Initial Environmental investigations have been conducted on the Property by independent third-party engineers and there are no environmental issues on the site affecting the development of this community. Additional environmental testing and reports will be made available to the public during the State Environmental Quality Review (SEQRA) process.

17. Will homeowners be able to rent their homes in the Community?

This community will be developed and sold as an owner-occupied residential community. A Homeowners Association (HOA) will administer and enforce community rules and regulations for future residents.

Do you have any questions about Country Pointe Estates Kings Park?

    Steven and Michael Dubb
    Steven and Michael Dubb

    Updated April 2024

    Dear Town of Smithtown Resident and Neighbor,

    As part of our commitment to keeping you and the Kings Park community stakeholders informed about our application to the Town of Smithtown for Country Pointe Estates Kings Park, we will continue to provide updates on this website.

    The Beechwood Organization had submitted a zone change application to the Town in January of 2023. The Town Board has reviewed the application and issued a Positive Declaration requiring a Full SEQRA (State Environmental Quality Review Act) Review and requiring us to prepare and submit a Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS).

    A full SEQRA review is the most thorough option the Town has to review the impacts of any proposal, and we welcome that thorough study. Typically, a DEIS will include relevant information about the potential long and short term social and economic impacts of the proposed community, as well as any associated environmental impacts, as well as possible mitigation measures. In order to assess these potential impacts, during the SEQRA process, our professionals and experts will be obtaining and analyzing data in numerous areas, including traffic, the environment, air and water quality, school enrollment, taxes, waste management, effect on local businesses, impact to historic sites, housing, and aesthetics. As part of the process, our professionals will also reach out to local and other governmental agencies for relevant information.

    During this process, we will reach out to the community, civic associations, and local stakeholders to share information and listen to their input and feedback. If you would like to be contacted about this application, please submit your information below. We will continue to update this website with new information so please check in periodically.

    Thank you.
    Beechwood Homes